How to make zeera butter milk at home

This drink goes well with any meal. The asafetida and cumin seeds in it aid digestion.

The primary health benefits of buttermilk are digestion, weight loss, help fight anemia and stress, help promote nerve cell growth, help in constipation. Here is a simple procedure to make it at home.


  • 4 glasses of slightly sour buttermilk (or 2 glasses yoghurt and 2 glasses chilled water)
  • 1 tbsp vegetable/sunflower/canola oil
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1/2 tsp asafetida
  • 2 green chillies chopped fine (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • A handful of finely chopped corainder leaves
  • some ice cubes

How to make:

Put the buttermilk/yoghurt, green chillies (optional if you want it to be more spicy), coriander leaves and salt to taste into a food processor and blend well.

In a small pan heat the oil. When it is hot add the cumin seeds. They will splutter. When this happens add asafetida. Remove from the fire in another 30 seconds.

Add this to the buttermilk mixture and mix well.

Serve in glasses with ice cubes or refrigerate for some time and serve it cool.