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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Ingrown hair or razor bumps
An ingrown looks like a raised, red bump just like a pimple occur on the skin. Sometimes, there may be pus gather inside the bump and the condition gets worse. Along with it, redness, swelling, inflammation, pain and irritation in that area also appear.

1. Sugar Scrub
Apply just a little amount of this scrub on the affected area. Scrub the skin with gentle hands in circular motions for few minutes. After then wash off your skin with lukewarm water.
2. Baking Soda
As baking soda contains anti-inflammatory properties so it is very soothing for the skin. The redness and itching caused by ingrown hair can fully reduce when you apply baking soda remedy.
1A. Sugar Scrub
Sugar is an amazing thing for scrubbing the skin and reducing the unwanted hair and ingrown hair. it is because sugar exfoliates the skin, removing dead cell and helps ingrown hair to come out of the skin.
Take one cup of white sugar and mix one-half cup of extra-virgin olive oil or jojoba oil in it. Take 10 drops of tea tree oil and lavender essential oil and stir it.
Apply just a little amount of this scrub on the affected area. Scrub the skin with gentle hands in circular motions for few minutes. After then wash off your skin with lukewarm water.
2A. Baking Soda
As baking soda contains anti-inflammatory properties so it is very soothing for the skin. The redness and itching caused by ingrown hair can fully reduce when you apply baking soda remedy.
Remedy 1:
Take one tbsp of baking soda and mix the one cup of water. Take a cotton ball and dip in it. Dab gently on the affected area. Leave it for at least five minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
Remedy 2:
Make a homemade scrub while putting one tsp of baking soda and ground oatmeal with one tbsp of water. Mix them well together until it turns into a thick paste. Apply it smoothly on the skin and leave it for 5 minutes only. After that rinse it off with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy twice daily as required.
3. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is another ingredient that help in healing the skin and preventing it from severe infection. it is due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
In the two tbsp of distilled water, add five drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mixture on to the affected skin after cleansing the area with antibacterial soap. Leave it for at least 10 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water.
Mix three drops of tea tree oil in one tbsp of olive oil. Apply this on the affected area and massage with gentle hands for few minutes. Leave it for 10 Minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.
4. Asprin
Inflammation and redness are two most common issue concerning ingrown hair and aspirin is an anti-agent which helps in relieving the both. The salicylic acid present in aspiring scrubs away dead skin cells and loosen the insulted hair.
Take two aspirin tablets and soak in one tsp of warm water until it forms like a paste. Now add one tsp of honey in this paste.
Apply this on the affected skin. Leave it for 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water and then rub gently with the tissue.
Apply this on the affected skin. Leave it for 10 Minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water and then rub gently with the tissue. Those with highly sensitive skin should not follow this remedy.
5. Salt
For exfoliating the skin, salt is the greatest ingredient should be used for this purpose. It also helps in increasing blood circulation, promoting the healing area and reducing the swelling and inflammation.
Mix one and half tsp of salt in one cup of lukewarm water. Dip a cotton ball in this mixture and rub the affected area with the gentle hands.
Leave it for few minutes then rinse it off with cold water. Follow this remedy for twice daily until the ingrown hair completely clears up.
6. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is common and everyone is introduced with it. it is very effective and remedies made by aloe Vera are very essential for different purpose related to the skin. Similar aloe Vera also shows some cooling nature that provides instant relief from itchiness and inflammation caused by ingrown hairs.
* Extract the gel from aloe Vera leaf.
* Rub the gel on the ingrown hair area and allow it to dry for 30 Minutes.
* Rinse it off with lukewarm water
* Do this 2 times daily.
7. Honey
Honey contains the similar properties with the sugar. It has antibacterial properties also due to which it helps in preventing the infections. Honey on the other hand moisturizes the skin and reduces swelling.
* Take a thin layer of honey on the finger tip and directly apply on the irritated skin.
* Let it dry for 10 min in the natural air after that wash it off with cold water.
* Do this remedy for two to three times a day.
8. Apple Cider Vinegar
Inflammation can be completely reduced with the apply cider vinegar if it is used on the regular basis because it has high anti-inflammatory action that helps in destroying the bacteria and yeast found on the skin. If it does not care, it will reach into the step of risky infection.
* Dip a cotton ball into the little amount of ACV and dap on the affected area very smoothly.
* Allow it to leave for few min so that it gets absorb into the skin.
* Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do it for twice daily.
Using these simple remedies yo will be healed from ingrown hairs.
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